Deodorants Can Cause Cancer
Deodorants most likely contribute to cancer since many core ingredients of deodorants are confirmed cancer-causing chemicals. A study carried out at the University of Geneva in 2016 found that women who regularly use deodorants have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Toxic chemicals are a leading cause of many chronic diseases including cancer, and the breasts are susceptible to damage by toxins due to their high-fat content which readily dissolves and stores toxic chemicals.
Also, surrounding the breasts is a dense cluster of lymph nodes and vessels that drain and store toxins from the rest of the body, which further increases the risk of contracting breast cancer.
Using deodorants under the arms may expose the breasts to chemical toxins which are absorbed through the skin and into the lymph nodes. And from the lymph nodes, these toxins will continually leach into the breast tissue and cause diseases such as cancer, especially if the lymph drainage system is dysfunctional.
The main ingredient in most deodorants is Aluminium which is added to block sweat pores and eliminate the foul order produced by bacteria living in the armpits. But aluminium is toxic to the body and a well-known carcinogen (cancer-causing compound).
Aluminium alters DNA, the blueprint that regulates normal bodily functions, leading to dysfunction and disease. Aluminium also promotes oestrogen production in the body, and high oestrogen encourages the growth of breast cancer.
Most deodorants contain a toxic form of aluminium salt called aluminium chlorohydrate which readily penetrates the skin. But not all forms of aluminium salts used in deodorants are harmful. Natural Alum deodorants contain non-toxic aluminium salts that do not leach into the body.
Deodorants typically contain toxic preservatives called parabens known to cause cancer. A 2015 study by the Silent Spring Institute in Nevada, found that parabens fuelled the growth of breast cancer cells. Other past studies also came to the same conclusion.
Parabens have been identified in virtually all breast cancer tissue examined. Deodorants that contain natural Alum salts are now the preferred choice for a growing number of women. ‘ Paraben Free’ deodorants are also becoming common and are a good place to start with deodorants. Learn more at Don’t forget to subscribe! #MedB #MedBHealth #MedBMag #HealthyLiving #NaturalTherapy